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Old 12-09-2015, 09:28 AM   #5
Jim in CT
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When Bush stood at th erubble of the twin towers, he got on top of a car, ambraced a foreman, and yelled into a bullhorn "I hear you! America hears you! And soon, the people who knowcked down these towers, will hear from all of us!" He said it, he meant it, and he did it. We can, and shoud, debate how well he dit it, and what he could have done better. Say what you will about him, he said ehwt he felt and he did what he said.

Today, we have Obama. In reference to one massacre after another, he warns us not to be rude to Muslims, to think twice about buying guns, and to use less fossil fuel.

When you put it that way, one of those two guys really looks like an idiot, doesn't he?
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