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Old 12-23-2015, 03:34 PM   #1
Jim in CT
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Did Paul Ryan switch parties?

Ryan submits his budget. From what I saw, it still includes funding for Planned Parenthood. Take it out of there, and let Weird Harold veto the budget if he wants to stick his neck out.

I think a lot of conservatives like me are getting ticked off that Republicans like Ryan promised that things would be different if we gave legislative control to the GOP, which we did.

Didn't happen. If you told me that Nancy Pelosi submitted that budget, I would believe you. And we nominated this idiot to be our VP? Couldn't even carry his own state.

This is part of th ereason why Trump is popular, he's not afraid to call out the Paul Ryans of the world for being the liars they are. If we lose this election because of infighting, we did it to ourselves.
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