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Old 12-30-2015, 12:49 PM   #10
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Cheap shots? What could be "cheaper" then lying about someone's religion and where they were born? The Repub. keep chipping away at segments of the population. White males will be the only one left - and that is going to be a smaller and smaller % of the pop.

You don't think the Repubs. are repeating exactly what happened last Pres. election cycle?
"What could be "cheaper" then lying about someone's religion and where they were born?"

I would say that calling everyone who disagrees with you a racist, is a cheap shot.

It's also a cheap shot (and stupid) to say he's a muslim or that he wasn't born here.

Fair enough?

Here's the difference...Trump is a clown, Obama is the sitting President. When Obama sai dthat white conservatives (tens of millions of fellow Americans) all cling to religion and guns because e are bitter and racist, that's no less deplorable than anything Trump is saying. The difference is, 70% of Republicans don't support Trump, and many of us are telling him to shut up and be respectful, and NO ONE on the left does that with Obama, almost never.

"The Repub. keep chipping away at segments of the population"

And that's not what liberals do? They don't take one minoruty group at a time, and tell thenm why they are victims and why the need to fear the white conservative boogeyman?

Paul, look at most major issues, and how your side frames them.

Abortion...if I say I am pro-life, you rside says I am opposed to women's health. Asinine.

Social Security - if I say it needs to be fixed before it implodes, your side says it's because i don't care about old people.

Medicare - same as SS, just substitute "sick" for old.

Immigration - if I saw we should enforce duly constituted immigration laws, your side says I am anti-Hispanic.

Radical Islam - if I say it's a threat, your side says I am an Islamophobe.

Religious liberty - if I say that even Christians are allowed to practice their religion, your side says I am a homophobe.

Also, you said "what coule be cheaper" than lying about someone's religion? How aout Obama using the ederal government to fine/imprison Christians for their beliefs? What's worse? Words or actoins? Words only hurt if yo ulet them hurt.

"White males will be the only one left"

Why i sthat? Can you explain to us, in an honest way, why the GOP doesn't do well with non-whites? What conservative policies does the GOP endorse, that hurt inocent non-whites?

Bill Clinton is a hero to blacks. Yet the economic policies he endorsed, could have come right from the Tea Party playbok (cut capital gains taxes, cut spending to the point where the budget has a surplus, kick millions of blacks off welfare and tell them to get a job). That's what Clinton did, and he's a hero. If Ted Cruz supports the same thing, your side says he's a racist.

I know the liberal narrative says that republicans only care about white males. But there's no truth to it. Which makes it a cheap shot. You are just so married to the narrative, you can't see it. So it's OK for you to say that republicans are all racist, and somehow that's not a cheap shot for you to say that. Why is that?

"You don't think the Repubs. are repeating exactly what happened last Pres. election cycle"

No. Trump is the difference. Some of the candidates (Trump, Cruz, Christie) are calling out the liberal bullsh*t for exactly what it is, and it's way past time for that.

Obama isn't running again. No one will be fainting at Hilary rallies. She's a phony, morally bankrupt, pathological liar, with one scandal after another on her resume, as well as a stint as Secstate that was an abject disaster. I hope we nominate someone that will take the gloves off and beat the sh*t out of her. Because McCain and Romney were too timid to do that with Obama, and they lost. The American public showed in 2008 and 2012 that they aren't interested in a republican candidate who will just sit there and let the Democratic candidate lie about everything we are saying.
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