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Old 12-30-2015, 03:37 PM   #11
Jim in CT
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Paul, sorry for the dreadful typing in my previous post.

To reiterate what I think is an important question. You claim that the GOP only appeals to white men, and I think you have a point in making that statement. Where you and I would disagree, is that I presume you feel the GOP does best with white males, because you (like most liberals) feel the conservative agenda favors whites over blacks.

I follow these things closely. I hear this claim all the time, that the GOP caters to white men. I don't know that I have ever heard anyone explain what specific conservative policy item, is racist?

Furthermore, I keep hearing that Bill Clinton is a hero to blacks, and that he's the greatest living politician. To repeat my earlier question, how was Clinton's policy agenda (at least in terms of economics) any different than that which is supported by the Tea Party today? Clinton slashed taxes, he balanced the budget, and he kicked millions of poor Americans off of welfare, because he assumed (correctly as it turned out) that they would go to work if kicked off the gravy train. Newt Gingrich prompted Clinton to do these things, but Clinton eventually agreed, and it worked, and he is considered a hero.

So how come, if a conservative suggests the same things (cut taxes, cut spending, kick people off welfare who are perfectly able to work) liberals will jump all over him with claims that he doesn't care about poor people?

Good luck answering those questions.

If you believe, like I do, that Bill Clinton's economic policies were the catalyst for spectacular growth, then I have news for support conservative economic principles. Whoever gets the GOP nomination, will advocate for economic policies that resemble what Clinton did, FAR MORE than what will be advocated for by Hilary. Because the Democrat party has gone 10 million miles to the left since Bill Clinton left office.

Everyone on the left hails Bill Clinton as an economic genius. None of those people seem to have a keen idea as to what, exactly, Clinton implemented.
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