Thread: HR 4269
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Old 01-04-2016, 03:47 PM   #179
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
So what, you can engage with the bad guys as they attempt to flee? Let the SWAT team handle it, events like this are pretty rare.
Correct, these are pretty rare. What's much more common, are garden-variety shootings. Or accidents where kids get ahold of improperly stored guns.

I don't own a gun. I won't keep one in a house with little kids, that's just my belief.

But I do believe in the Constitution (even the parts I don't like), so we need to be careful here.

Liberals, as is often the case, are myopic on this subject. When it comes to the issue of gun violence, 99.99% of their effort is spent on gun control. That's part of the solution. But we also need to talk about making it easier to institutionalize the mentally ill before they hurt someone - liberals tend to be uncomfortable with this. We also need to talk about the violence we bombard our kids with - liberals tend to be uncomfortable talking about that (Hollywood gives huge $$ to Democrats, just like the NRA gives huge $$ to the GOP). And finally, we need to talk about implementing public policy that encourages (rather than undermines and mocks) traditional family values - liberals cannot stand talking about this, despite the fact that nothing would reduce violence more than this.

Part of the conversation is gun control. A small part. But liberals are fanatically fixated on this one small piece of the puzzle. Because they don't want to solve the problem if it means alienating their voting base. So they focus on gun control, and then accuse the GOP of not caring about the issue. That way, they can claim that they care, and as always, label the GOP as bloodthirsty hatemongers.
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