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Old 01-07-2016, 05:45 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
It has been happening incrementally, getting some traction in the latter 18 hundreds. Picking up pace from there. Booming in the FDR administration. Then incrementally wavering but almost always proceeding in "taking effect" until the latter 20th century when the pace picked up again. And it is trying to race toward some supposed finish line. The "fundamental transformation of America" that Obama promised.

If your vision, what you "see," is limited to the cocoon of your adult life span, you may not "see" much difference. Some for sure. But not necessarily, for you, that significant. But if you can widen the lens of your vision to include recorded American history, the change is massive. You would notice, whether you agreed with it or not, a near total inversion of original constitutional intent. Progressives absolutely agree with that inversion. They have said so--confidently at first, then more secretly, and now are beginning to lose some of the shackles of fear that Americans would disapprove of what they actually believe about the Constitution, individual freedom, and unalienable rights. But their "narrative" still has to be couched in Orwellian language where a form of slavery is said to be freedom, or with slogans from the far left similar to Nebe's saying that "freedom is the buzzword of fools." We have slowly been conditioned to accept, bit by bit, not really noticeable in generational time spans, that "too much" freedom is not a good thing. And this is reflected not only in the increased power of the President, but even worse, in the divergence of the Supreme Court's expansion of its judicial philosophy from its first applications of judicial review to the current judicial philosophies of loose rather than strict construction which have evolved to the extent that judicial interpretation need not be bound by the Constitution, but can reflect a judges personal social views.

The wholesale change in the Constitution, which you say you don't suggest, has happened. But if you "see it" from your little time span, it doesn't seem so great.

ah so now the point emerges

"And it is trying to race toward some supposed finish line. The "fundamental transformation of America" that Obama promised."

You seem to be stuck on the partisan argument it's the progressives Fault as if Republicans have never held office

Then all I can suggest go back to September 17, 1787 when it was signed to your utopia America.. Change is inevitable its 2016 But I would say I Have the same freedoms as my father had and his father had his father I cant speak beyond that
But I would say they all had the same conversation about the Constitution some time during their Lives .. with wars and race and immigration these conversations come with Change Conversation with Armed Men like in Oregon is a Hostage negotiation hiding behind the Constitutional right of protest
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