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Old 01-08-2016, 10:08 AM   #90
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
this is idiotic......

we've "progressed" to a point where a significant number of Americans have, either through ignorance, arrogance or obstinance... no regard for Constitutionally enumerated individual rights....Constitutionally designated and limited government powers and separations and often varying interpretations regarding accountability depending on who is in power and which pet issue is at stake....tell me exactly how we reach compromise again?
yes it is Idiotic the Gun guys have be saying their coming to take our gun's they have been saying this for years and it hasn't happen and it will never happen . but they keep talking about it. 2a Constitutionally enumerated individual rights to bare arms shall no be infringed its a broken record and Americans are becoming tone deaf to the topic.

its just like abortion only the Base's care and climate change 1 side thinks there an issue and the other side says there isn't ...

Just beacuse both parties feel if the R or D are for it we will be against it.. reguardless of Facts or logic or historical examples

And Those who dont own gun do we not have inalienable right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” Via United States Declaration of Independence not be shot by 2a guys stolen guns .. every ones a law abiding citizen until they commit a crime and are Convicted
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