Thread: Hilary email
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Old 01-20-2016, 10:19 AM   #2
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND View Post
Some of that is always at play with all sides, there was a spam email about the number of staff Michelle Obama had, claiming 1 staff person for the last X first ladies, something that was shown to be patently false.

She clearly made a huge mistake with this server. Period.
Does that disqualify her? Probably not if the FBI clears her.

This is a #^&#^&#^&#^&ty election for those of us left of center. I am not a Hillary fan, I don't feel the Bern, but Hillary is much closer on my policy perspectives than Trump, Cruz, Rubio etc.

What really troubles me is that Hillary is basically a neocon on foreign policy, and it worries me where we will have troops in 2017...
"Some of that is always at play with all sides"

Sadly, these days, that is true. Not enough discussion of the issues, too much energy wasted on digging up dirt. But where the Clintons are concerned, there are legitimate ethical concerns, it's not fabricated. These are truly disgusting people.

Here's what I don't get. She was married to Bill when he was President. The economy did great when he was President (and for years after). So why isn't she endorsing th esame economic policies that Bill enacted (cutting taxes, cutting spending, balancing the budget, kicking millions of lazy bums off welfare who, it turns out, were perfectly capable of working)? She will continue Obama's policies, which are the opposite of what worked for Bill.

"This is a #^&#^&#^&#^&ty election for those of us left of center."

Hey, it's no picnic on my side until Trump goes away so the adults can talk.

"it worries me where we will have troops in 2017"

I would say that's not Hilary's doing, it's the doing of the jihadists. I don't like it either, but we have to deal with it, don't we?
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