Thread: Hilary email
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Old 01-25-2016, 12:30 PM   #1
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
I think we all understand it's not just about the server. The issue here is there still isn't really evidence Clinton mishandled anything, yet people are all running around saying she did.

Clinton being forwarded what's considered at the time benign information, that years later is deemed sensitive during a public release process is not mishandling information.
"The issue here is there still isn't really evidence Clinton mishandled anything"

The existence of some of that data on her personal server, is problematic to some people. She created the atmosphere, which made it necessaru to have that data on her personal server.

"Clinton being forwarded what's considered at the time benign information"

I don't know that we know, that 100% of what made its way to her server, was believed to be benign at the time.

I wonder why she deleted all those emails. Didn't she say that everything she deleted was personal, not work-related? Wedding plans, yoga classes, and th elike?

And when a reporter asked her is she had the server "wiped", she relpied "you mean with a cloth?" Yeah, that's the kind of honest leadership we need.
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