Thread: Hilary email
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Old 01-25-2016, 02:41 PM   #1
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
No, you didn't quote the IG. Did you even read the letter? It doesn't mention when the information was classified, only that that a few emails did contain classified information...when it was classified and for what reasons makes a big difference.

What's worse is that the info about drone strikes that led to all this "beyond top secret" hype was actually disclosed and reported on back in August. This IG letter was a trick played by Republicans to recycle already spent news. The conflict of interest here is's a terrible abuse of authority.
"No, you didn't quote the IG. Did you even read the letter?"

See, maybe you are confused. I was not quoting the letter, I was quoting another comment from the IG, which was not part of the letter (I believe what I quoted was prior to the letter). Maybe you are ignoring the evidence that doesn't make her out to be a saint. Maybe there is more to the IG than just that one letter.
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