Thread: Hilary email
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Old 02-06-2016, 05:29 AM   #6
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How long did she have the Server? How long was it off line before Conservatives became magically outraged .. i'll tell you ( around election time ?)
Because if it was such an issue it should have been addressed when she United States Secretary of State, from 2009 to 2013, However it wasn't an issue until March 2015

So are we suggesting that she was able to keep that she was using it a Secret from other Government agency's .. until 2015?

and FYI not Clinton or the POTUS decides what is classified and what is not.. . its others whom responsibility it is to make sure only those who have a need to know see classified documents .. So if someone emailed you a secret document that was stamped secret the fault is theirs for miss handling classified information.. Seems some are confusing a Secret Document .. over and email which may have information that has been determined today as sensitive ...

again it falls into how The republicans work Historically work Benghazi, emails , planned parent hood , Obama a Muslim its endless they just keep repeating and investigating the same thing over and over and over , praying for Something to Show their Base.. They are the Party of the Boy who Cried wolf ! Sadly when they do find something and they may someday .. no one is except the faithful will believe them ..
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