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Old 02-10-2016, 01:45 PM   #6
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Did that video that was posted have any blacks in it? Bc I'm gonna make a wild guess and say that it does.

You can say you don't want to bring race up into the discussion but look at your posts - who talks about blacks more than you? How many posts do you mention blacks?

Blacks don't commit the majority of crime (just as they aren't the majority of people on welfare). They do commit a higher proportion compared to their share of the population. Having less income has something to do with that. Since they don't committ the majority of the crimes, wouldn't that mean that if your house was robbed there was a greater chance it was by a white?

There has been videos blacks being shot by cops for no reason other then their running away (for minor crimes or traffic stops). The police reports filed by the responding officers states something else totally contradictory from the video. There have been enough of those cases that if I was black, I'd be afraid.

The vast majority of the videos over the last year or so show that (in my opinion) the cops have been justified but I think that there are still enough showing some wrong doing and they should be cause for alarm. Just as their are bad lawyers, Drs. etc., there are bad cops.
"You can say you don't want to bring race up into the discussion but look at your posts - who talks about blacks more than you?"

I concede there is a valid point in there somewhere, but my posts usually are trying to refute the liberal notion that republicans are out to get blacks.

"Blacks don't commit the majority of crime (just as they aren't the majority of people on welfare). They do commit a higher proportion compared to their share of the population."

Violent crime? i don't know. But certainly a disproportionate share. A huge amount of brutal, violent crime, takes place in urban areas. Therefore, more cops will be there, than in the suburbs, and those cops in urban areas will be more tense, with valid reason.

"Having less income has something to do with that."

Agreed 100%. One hundred percent. So when we address the needy, we shoud be referring to socioeconomics, not race. When we give preferential admission to schools, or jobs, all the things that affirmative action targets - it should not be about race, but about socioeconomic status.

"There has been videos blacks being shot by cops for no reason other then their running away "

And those cops usually get punished. But they need to stop running away!!! Because very, very few cooperative blacks are killed by police.

"there are still enough showing some wrong doing and they should be cause for alarm."

How many videos have you seen in the past year, which genuinely indicate that a cop committed murder? Three? Five? Out of millions and millions of police interactions with blacks?

If that's "cause for alarm", then how should blacks react to other young black men, who are a jilllion times more likely to murder a black citizen, than a white cop. I'd like to know, what percentage of black murder victims are killed by white cops, versus by young black men. Then we'll see what's true cause for alarm.

From one study I found...posted by Allen West, who is a black, conservative man.

"For every black man — criminal or innocent — killed by a cop, 40 black men were murdered by other black men. The, at most, 2.5 percent of the problem generates relentless rage. And, yet, it is rude-to-racist to mention 97.5 percent of the problem."!
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