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Old 02-13-2016, 11:12 AM   #96
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
you can google superdelegates and get all the info and the history of them..

last time I checked the primarys are still going on as for comfortable with less-than-all-the-facts, when it suits you.. come see me when the point your insinuating happens.. if Sanders wins the upcoming primaries like Obama did in 2008 and gets the popular vote and the Superdelegates swing it Her Way >> I will join the voices of those outraged.. and as i said the party would destroy it's self ..

Past history suggest what I have said.. Could I be wrong Absolutely But untill it happens is just speculation

good write up
"you can google superdelegates and get all the info and the history of them.. "

I did, found no reason for their existence. Deb Wasserman Shultz tried to explain it on CNN, and even CNN laughed at her response. Any reason why you can't tell me why they exist?

"come see me when the point your insinuating happens"

It's happening, so here I am. Bernie cleaned Hilary's clock in NH, and somehow he fell further behind in terms of delegates. Please tell me how that is remotely consistent with democracy?

"But untill it happens is just speculation "

You are the one speculating, I am the one responding to what has actually happened. Bernie fell further behind after winning NH. You speculate that in the very end it won't matter.

What if Bernie supporters don't bother turning out in subsequent primaries, because they see that it's rigged for Hilary?

What is the downside of doing away with superdelegates? Why even allow for the possibility that delegates who are not elected (and thus not answerable to anyone) to select the candidate? Hmmm? Why not just let the voters decide and just be done with superdelegates? I'm pretty sure I have heard Democrats claim that they are the ones who care about the little guy, and that the GOP is supposed to be the party of inside cronyism. Tell that to Bernie Sanders, who won the NH primary by a record amount, yet somehow fell further behind Hilary. That crap influences voter turnout, and it influences donations.

Have fun coming up with an artful dodge.
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