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Old 02-14-2016, 08:44 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
It bothers me, because I like democracy. My side may nominate Trump. That would be a disaster for the GOP. But if he wins states with a majority of delegates, he deserves to be the nominee, like it or not.

I'll try to slow down for you. You are the one speculating on what might happen. What I am doing, is responding to what we know for certain, which is this: Bernie cleaned her clock in NH, yet he fell further behind. If that's not a rigged game, I don't know what is.

I have asked several times what the purpose of the superdelegates is. Neither you, nor Spence, nor Paul, nor Rockhound, have even tried to explain it to me. The reason why, is because you can't admit out loud that they exist because the Democratic party would rather undermine democracy to get an establishment candidate, then allow the democratic process to play out in a way that they don't happen to like. Kind of ironic, since Hilary keeps bleating about how unfair and rigged Wall Street is, how they are aligned against the little guy. What a crusader for the underdog she is.
Jim why are you asking question from Spence, nor Paul, nor Rockhound or my self when you know you'll disagree with any answer given by any of us..

I have posted several links to stories made it clear where I stand ..

I am not a reregistered Dem I am an independent I am just amazed that Now Hillary might get the nod these Superdelegates are suddenly a threat to the Democrat process these Superdelegates have been around for the past 48 years .. and it hasn't happen yet not saying it won't but Historical precedence shows its not likely But yet we have had an election give away by a Supreme Court I find that much more troubling based on Historical precedence.. not which party won
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