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Old 02-15-2016, 12:09 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
"But lets be frank he made that statement 10 years ago "

He made the statement the last time a Republican president had the potential to nominate a SCOTUS justice, when the Dems controlled the Senate. Obviously, Schumer wouldn't have said that during the Obama presidency, so the fact that it was 10 years ago, is irrelevant.

The President has the right to nominate anyone he wants. The Constitution doesn't allow anyone to prevent him from nominating someone. The Senate has the right to say "no, thanks", as the Dems did with Justice Bork, widely considered to be a brilliant jurist, and rejected for pure politics, and I don't recall any of the Democrats apologizing fot that. Biden led the charge against Bork, and he can't have it both ways. If there was nothing wrong with the Dems blocking Bork, there's similarly notihng wrong with the GOP blocking whatever Bolshevik twit Obama nominates.

"And I disagree with him "

I notice you didn't say why you think Scalia is wrong.

"Sen Warren is right "

Are you feeling OK? Yes, Obama won the 2012 election. And in 2014 (the most recent national election), do you know what happened? Those same people that elected Obama in 2012, gave the Senate majority to the GOP.

You, and Senator Warren, are saying that the 2012 election was an expression of the will of the people, but the 2014 midterms were not?

Brother, I would just LOVE to hear you, or Senator Lie-awatha, explain that one. You have fun with that, OK?

I guess we should just forget every election the Democrats have ever lost?

Every Republican Senator is just as "elected" as Obama is.
Mid terms are mid terms they are the will of state election's not a presidential election and if you think they trump a presidential election.. if just shows how partisan you really are .. they may influence things in Washington But they don't erase who the POTUS or nullify those who voted for him ..

Its just bad timing for the republicans .. and if a Hillary or Bernie gets in and there are vacancies to be Filled OMG Thats going to be fun to watch
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