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Old 02-15-2016, 03:51 PM   #15
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Mid terms are mid terms they are the will of state election's not a presidential election and if you think they trump a presidential election.. if just shows how partisan you really are .. they may influence things in Washington But they don't erase who the POTUS or nullify those who voted for him ..

Its just bad timing for the republicans .. and if a Hillary or Bernie gets in and there are vacancies to be Filled OMG Thats going to be fun to watch
"Mid terms are mid terms "

Thanks for the scoop.

"they are the will of state election's not a presidential election"

That is a tortured, nonsensical answer if I have ever heard one. In 2014, the will of many states was to replace Democratic senators with Republican ones, meaning that those people in those states, wanted a Republican senator, not a Democrat one, to decide on confirmations. That's democracy.

WDMSO, were you complaining when the Democrats blocked Bork's nomination? If not, you have zero legitimate beef here

"they may influence things in Washington But they don't erase who the POTUS or nullify those who voted for him "

Who said that midterms negate the Presidential elections 2 years prior? I said Obama gets to pick the nominee. And the Republican-led Senate, via the will of the people, gets to vote on confirmation.

There has never been a President as dismissive and insulting to those who disagree with him, than Weird Harold. He hasn't built up a lot of goodwill among us bitter clingers, us racists, those of us who do nothing but "hate all the time". He reaps what he sows.

"Its just bad timing for the republicans "

True, but during the first 6 years of Obama's presidency, when the Dems controlled the senate, would have been far worse.

"and if a Hillary or Bernie gets in and there are vacancies to be Filled OMG Thats going to be fun to watch"

If the GOP still controls the Senate, it will be entertaining. If the GOP nominates Trump, the GOP could easily lose control of the Senate. Then the next few years would be a jackpot for liberals.
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