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Old 02-18-2016, 09:23 AM   #61
Jim in CT
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Hilary's comments on the shocking reality that the GOP senators aren't going to confirm Rachael Maddow or Gloria Allred to the Supreme Court...

"You know, that’s in keeping with what we’ve heard all along, isn’t it? Many Republicans talk in coded racial language about takers and losers. They demonize President Obama and encourage the ugliest impulses of the paranoid fringe. This kind of hatred and bigotry has no place in our politics or our country.”


I cannot flippin' stand these people.

Bryan, I give you a LOT of credit, you said you didn't think it was about race, and obviously it isn't (several GOP Senators voted for Sotomayor for Christ's sake, so if they are racists, they aren't very good racists).

With these people, it's always always always about dealing the race card from the bottom of the deck. Always. And no one calls them on it.

And what was with that witch barking like a dog? I heard about it, and didn't believe it until I actually saw it. How is that any less presidential, than the things Trump says?

If the GOP doesn't run video of that jerk barking like a dog 24 hours a day, then they are too stupid to win and don't deserve to win.
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