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Old 02-19-2016, 11:33 AM   #7
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Didn’t she apologize for saying that?

What do you think about independent Polifact rating ALL of the Repub. Candidates as being less truthful than ALL of the Dem. candidates?
"Didn’t she apologize for saying that?"

I don't know. What I do know, is that she just went on TV this week, looked a reporter in th eye, and claimed that she has never lied.

"What do you think about independent Polifact rating ALL of the Repub. Candidates as being less truthful than ALL of the Dem. candidates"

Based on what? How do you measure that, exactly? If Rubio lies (or is wrong) about the exact date that his parents fled Cuba for the US, is that as pertinent as Hilary claiming that the GOP framed Bill to make it looked like he cheated on her with Monica, or that she came under sniper attack? And what's with her barking like a dog?

For the record, I can say out loud that I am not all that thrilled or impressed with much of the GOP field. Trump is a vulgar jerk. Cruz gets caught in a lie every day now, attacking the other Republicans. Rubio is showing (as Obama has repeatedly done) what happens when you support an inexperienced neophyte just because you like what's on the surface (more important to be cool and hip than to have depth).

I can't answer your question any more directly, can I? Now, what do you think of Hilary going on TV this week, and claiming that she has never told a lie? Obviously, she isn't all that sorry about the whoppers she has told (I was broke when I left the White House, blah blah blah).
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