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Old 02-25-2016, 09:02 AM   #10
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Hillary's point was that her role at times required compromising her own safety.

Nice manipulation of my words.
"Hillary's point was that her role at times required compromising her own safety."

I'm not sure ow you conclude that's what her point was, because that's not remotely what she said. Brian Williams got suspended for telling a very similar lie. If that lie precludes you from reading the news off a teleprompter (which a monkey could do), one could make a compelling case that it similarly precludes you from having the moral compass to be POTUS.

Spence, you are bending over backwards to tell us why her questionable actions shoul dnot matter, and we shoud only focus on the good. With Trump, you are saying he's not a good businessman, because some of his many ventures have failed.

Do you really not appreciate the double-standard you apply to evaluating these two people.

They are both dishonest jerks. You, like most Americans, are willing to accept moral lapses from your candidate, as long as they agree with you on the issues that matter to you. I thought Bill Clinton was a scumbag, but a pretty good President.
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