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Old 02-25-2016, 03:54 PM   #24
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Wait, you're telling me that the War on Drugs has had a disproportionate impact by race????

I guess I should have known this from the multitude of studies on the issue showing disproportionate ratio of drug use to incarceration.
"Wait, you're telling me that the War on Drugs has had a disproportionate impact by race????"

And the war waged on us by drug dealers, has also disproportionately impacted the black community, has it not? Go tell the people who live in Chicago, that the enemy in the war on drugs, are the white cops.

"disproportionate ratio of drug use to incarceration"

That needs to get looked at. Until then, I know a good way for blacks to avoid getting disportionate sentences for drug use...don't do drugs. How about that?

Still waiting for you to explain why Clinton has any standing to discuss this, when she did everyuthing in her power, to deny a black man (Obama) from the job he so wanted. Please explain? I'm all a-twitter...
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