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Old 02-26-2016, 11:14 AM   #18
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The comparison between Trump and Sanders might be more like a crony capitalist to a crony socialist. They go somewhat hand in hand. The crony socialists feed the crony capitalists and the crony capitalists feed off of the crony socialists. The crony socialists get the benefit of financial support (lobbies, donations, etc.) in order to, on the one had, maintain power and, on the other hand, maintain the benefit of private sector innovation and wealth creation in order to have a viable economy which produces enough money to fund a welfare state (which pure socialism cannot do very well). And the crony capitalists get favorable legislation which give them advantage over competition, especially over smaller entrepreneurs (thus shrinking the middle class). The result is centralized power in both the business and government sectors--the fascist big government/big business yin yang.
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