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Old 02-29-2016, 12:33 PM   #28
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
i don't have a problem so much with the endorsement (anyone can endorse someone) as much as Trump's not disavowing it until people got on him. And then his asinine comments that he didn't know who Duke was or what white supremacy is. That either shows he is a liar or really stupid (I suspect the former).

To your point about Sharpton. He speaks out when he sees (or thinks he sees discrimination). And when he speaks, he says stupid stuff. That stupid stuff overwhelms any valid points he may have so that his message is lost. I don’t really recall he had a part of the crown heights incident but know a lot about the Tawana Brawley mess. The KKK killed 0,000s of blacks. So while not the best analogy, I can see how people can make it. I think Obama has Sharpton to the WH to pay lip service (can't wait to see comments on that one) to him and thus the Black community.

Edit - just saw on CNN a Medal of Honor ceremony honoring a Seal Team 6 member for rescuing a hostage. I'm sure you would have enjoyed watching that.

"i don't have a problem so much with the endorsement (anyone can endorse someone) as much as Trump's not disavowing it until people got on him. "

That's 100% fair.

"{I don’t really recall he had a part of the crown heights incident "

A car driven by white Jews in NYC was sideswiped, pushed onto the sidewalk, where it killed a young black boy. A mob appeared to be threatening the driver of the car (who cares that he got smashed into, and that's why he ended up on the sidewalk), so he was escorted out of there. Sharpton got everyone worked up about how the Jews are out to kill the blacks, and after they were foamong at the mouth, one of them walked up to the nearest white person and stabbed them to death.

Look up the incident at Freddys.. 7 innnocent pepole burned alive.

Look, I'm not saying Sharpton is the moral equivalent of the Klan. But he's got innocent blood on his hands, stemming from racial hatred. And every single Democratic candidate feels the need to suck up to him, and Obama calls him into the White House all the time. That should be disturbing to anyone.

"I think Obama has Sharpton to the WH to pay lip service (can't wait to see comments on that one) to him and thus the Black community"

It's cowardly. You can respect blacks by inviting someone else to teh White House, anyone else. By inviting him constantky, Obama is legitimizing Sharpton. He doesn't deserve legitimacy, he deserves to ba called out for what he is. That's what leadership is.

"just saw on CNN a Medal of Honor ceremony honoring a Seal Team 6 member for rescuing a hostage. I'm sure you would have enjoyed watching that"

Thanks! I read about it this AM, I didn't know it was SEAL team 6, I knew it was a Seal. I hope th edoctor they saved goes on to live a rich, fulfilling life. One SEAL was killed in that raid. You don't hear about hand-to-hand combat every day in modern warfare...Awful stuff.
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