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Old 03-02-2016, 10:51 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
I think the premise is pretty simple.

Too simple to the point that it is simple-minded. It promotes the simple-minded notion that the study's "objective, empirical" statistics show that government policies are responsible for those stats. Yet, the very same statistics could be used to back up an argument that white Americans are the superior race. And that blacks are dumb as a rock.

There are many other factors that go into those statistics. And trying to "close the gap" by government spending and taxing in order to shape group behavior can be the proverbial putting lipstick on a pig. It doesn't change deeper underlying causes. And worse, it creates a dependence on the lipstick.

Some have done better under democrat leadership and that's why they tend to prefer it.

Again, the statistics are too simple, too broad. Internal statistics could show that "groups," on average, do better because some within those groups have benefited. Many blacks, for instance, have improved financially because they were preferentially hired by Federal, State, and local governments. Large cities with majority black population, like Detroit for instance, became basically a black civil service workforce. That provided higher paying jobs for those blacks working in the government. Those blacks did way "better" than most other people in the city. But the rest of the black Detroiters, the vast majority, did not advance because of it. Yet, the overall average in black pay scale was elevated. And the very same thing would have happened if the blacks had all voted Republican rather than Democrat. The key was that blacks became the majority.

The current Democrat leadership doesn't seem to have "closed the gap," so I don't know how that would affect the study's stats.

I didn't see the word hegemony in the report, but to be honest I didn't read the entire thing.
There were a lot of words I used that were not in the report. If I had used the same words as those in the report, I might have just rewritten the report.

The words (which are chock full of statisms such as "democracy" rather than Republic, "egalitarianism" rather than liberty, "groups" rather than individualism) used to craft the report, reputedly to help minorities choose the right party to advance their well-being, actually promotes racial political warfare rather than creating a color blind society. It promotes political factionalism and majoritarianism. It promotes dependence on government to shape lives. It devalues to the point of eliminating the importance of individual initiative and cultural values. It is the selective, slanted, statistically perfect divide and conquer storm which helps to finally transform us from a once constitutional Republic into an all-powerful, centralized, administrative State.
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