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Old 03-05-2016, 06:01 AM   #22
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ahhhh the feigned indignation......the left has been quite content with a growing coarsened culture and proudly responsible for it(at least the parts that they condone and deem acceptable depending on who you are and how you think)) for quite a long time and Trump is thriving in that culture beating the left with their own club.....we were told that Bill Clinton could be a complete dirt bag in his personal life and even at the OFFICE (and he demonstrated that he was)...a prolific liar married to a congenital liar(and they've demonstrated that they are)...yet still be an effective President/co-President and now presumptive President(everybody lies, what's the big deal?).... we were told that all of Obama's radical associations didn't matter...the same folks upset that Trump wasn't aware of David Duke defended Obama when he said he sat in Rev Wright's church for years and never heard anything he said or his many comments attacking those he didn't care's the left that has lowered the bar nearly to the ground and Trump is crawling on his belly and he's coming to get you.........if Trump is elected and proceeds to run wild over Congress, the SC and the States....the left has only themselves to slap in the face as they've condoned and defended the expansion of executive reap what you sow....Trump thrives in the culture the left has created which must be befuddling...

if Biden was running and made this comment in a debate...we'd be told it was funny(and it was)...probably brilliant(debatable) ....and's just "Joe being Joe"

Last edited by scottw; 03-05-2016 at 06:38 AM..
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