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Old 03-06-2016, 09:05 AM   #217
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The trump Phenomenon what is It? there is no tangible plan no numbers no policy stances.. it's Just a campaign and speeches filled with clichés and his 1 liners
I will build a great, great wall on our southern border," Trump said. "And I will have Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words."

"Our country is in serious trouble," he said. "We don't have victories anymore. We used to have victories, but we don't have them.
our real unemployment is anywhere from 18% to 20%. Don't believe the 5.6%. Don't believe it

I have so many websites I have all over the place. I hire people, they do a website, It'll cost me $3," he said.

Trump also said the president's healthcare legislation should be repealed and "replaced with something much better for everybody ... and much less expensive.

"Rebuild the country's infrastructure; nobody can do that like me, believe me," he said. "It will be done on time, on budget, way below costs, way below what anyone ever thought

Its endless And I understand its the primaries and there are never a lot of details from the field .. but how will Trump he square the circle of his idea's...
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