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Old 03-12-2016, 08:17 PM   #15
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Every contender Repub or Dem has protesters. Trump is the only one showcasing blood at his events...In your lifetime can you recall anything similar?
So for the second time, please give us an example of when any liberal speaker had to cancel an event, because of conservative rioters.

We notice that you have a REALLY hard time answering direct questions.

But aain, I'll answer yours...Al Sharpton ran for President. How many of his speeches were cancelled because of conservative riots?

In one of her first interviews after announcing her run, Hilary was asked who her enemies were. She mentioned ISIS and Republicans in the same sentence. Hilary consistently divides us on racial lines, ethnic lines, gender lines, and economic lines. It's all she does. That's what one does when one has no good ideas, and cannot debate the merits of the issues with the other side.

Again, please tell me when conservative rioters resulted in liberal speakers having to cancel their event. You can't. It happens ALL THE TIME to conservatives. Why can't you admit the truth?
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