Thread: Brussels
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Old 03-24-2016, 07:54 AM   #2
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Please elaborate on this, I had no idea???

How about are one of the very, very few people on the planet, who will not (or cannot, not sure which it is) admit that Hilary has an issue with the truth.

On this thread you actually chastised those who are willing to use religion as a basis for terrorism policy, when every rational person in the world can see that one religion is creating 99% of the terrorists who threaten global security?

Along those lines, I asked you this question...if I gave your kids a bowl of 100 gummy bears and told you that exactly 1 was poisoned and would kill whoever eats many would you let your kids eat, before you throw the whole bowl in the garbage? Can you answer that question, please?

Now, human beings aren't the equivalent of a bowl of gummy bears...but peaceful Muslims are freely choosing to be a part of this religion, and they are freely choosing (it seems) to not effectively deal with this problem.

Now, what is the primary responsibility of any governemnt? To protect its citizenry against conceiveable threats.

Spence, during our kids' lifetimes, there will be a reckoning between the Western world, and Islam. Our kids will ask us why we didn't deal with it, they'll ask why we dumped this at their feet. It will be a fair question.

Anyway, to answer your request for refuse to admit that any liberal is wrong on anything, ever. If that's not thoughtless, I don't know what is. I know a lot of peopple who are similarly thoughtless, you are one of the sharper ones, and from what I can tell, one of the more decent ones. Your refusal to criticize anything that they do, is difficult to process.
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