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Old 03-24-2016, 06:26 PM   #1
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If the election was held today....

I don't think I could cast my vote for either of the two parties frontrunners.....
I would never vote for Hillary.
Trump's divisive nature has driven me away. And I could have been in that camp...possibly. While I can get behind SOME of his nationalist views, he scares the hell out of me. I am a lifelong right leaning conservative who can see some parallels with what rose out of the 1930s in Germany......
Totally disgusted with the lack of good choice. Hoping for something to happen this summer at the Republican convention to give an alternative.... Heck, I would be able to get behind a third party write in campaign if a worthy candidate/platform could be brought forward....

And Elizabeth Warren is still a useless POS

“Americans have the right and advantage of being armed, unlike the people of other countries, whose leaders are afraid to trust them with arms.” – James Madison.
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