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Old 03-29-2016, 03:54 PM   #164
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
And he'll go down as one of the Best Presidents in History that will be based on Facts not Fox news .. 2 terms and a do nothing congress how could a 1\2black Potus get so much done with so little
"2 wars cost money "

True. And fair...

"currently 4.9%"

WDMSO, what would it take for you to consider all the facts, not just the ones you happen to like. The man didn't say that unemployment would go to double digits, then come back down foue years later He said it wouldn't get above 8%. He was way, way, way off. Is that true, or not?

"No it didn't but not sure who thought it would "

I just told you who thought so...Obama. That's one way he sold this thing. Look it up. I am not making it up, I am correct. Are you feeling OK?

"They did. And whats your point go to war " baout Obama has exactly ZERO credibility to make such a demand of threat. There is no reason for our enemies to take us seriously, which pretty much explains the state of the world right now.

"Because whites dont like the truth"

Said the guy who (1) denies that Obama said the stimulus package would keep unemployment below 7%, and (2) the guy who claims that Obama didn't promise that Obamacare would save the average family $2500 a year. Yeah, let's all look to you for the truth. How about Black Lives Matter, are all those people white folk who hate the truth??

"And he'll go down as one of the Best Presidents in History "

Sure, if you are an abortionist or a terrorist, you might consider him a solid POTUS.
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