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Old 03-30-2016, 02:33 PM   #5
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Was does ISIS want?

A) Muslims to feel disenfranchised in their home countries so they leave and come to fight for ISIS

B) Foreign boots on the ground and collateral damage to claim Western imperialism and disregard for Muslims in Syria and Iraq to get money from sympathetic Arabs

What does Trump want?

A) Surveillance of Muslims in America and to restrict free movement based on religion

B) US boots on the ground, torture of Muslims and burn the place down War footing
Your list of what ISIS wants, seems to be missing some key htings, which I promise you are on their wishlist. They would prefer a President who isn't going to empty our arsenal of conventional bombs on thei rheads, and they want a President who is less likely to send in th ecavalry to kill them all. Since they also have sa stated goal of killing as many Americans as possible, they would also prefer a President who makes it easier, rather than harder, to get jihadists into the country. Gee, I wonder why you left those things, off your list of what the terrorists want?

"Foreign boots on the ground and collateral damage to claim Western imperialism and disregard for Muslims in Syria and Iraq to get money from sympathetic Arabs "

So if we stop bombing them altogether, which reduces collateral damage to zero, you say that's bad for ISIS? Man, oh man.
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