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Old 04-02-2016, 09:16 AM   #12
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
That was my statement.. All the Documentary does is support what I have expressed that Iraq was never Stable and All the Obama haters on one hand love to claim Iraq was stable ... but because He pulled us out it it magical became unstable and created the ISIS problem... you cant have it both ways , the Documentary just shows what politicians wont say .. that stability was manufactured... The boots on the ground would not share the narrative that Iraq was stable

So we shouldn't have pulled out because it was still a smoldering fire or was the fire out .. The reality remains it the Iraqis country

below is from politifact on the topic

the sources of instability are fundamentally political."

Remember that the country was considered relatively stable in 2011; ISIS elements existed prior to that, but largely formed into the force it is today after American troops left -- and mostly in Syria at first.

" Then the pushed east from Syria into Anbar my statement "

Obama inherited a timeline to exit Iraq from George W. Bush and followed it

"They said that the Iraqi government was too weak, and unwilling to go against the wishes of those Iraqis who wanted the Americans to leave,"
"I have expressed that Iraq was never Stable "

You're saying that because the stability was due to the presence of American troops, that's not real stability? Well, when Rudy Guliani became mayor of NYC, it was a sh*thole. So he put a cop on every corner with a stick and a gun, and guess what, crime came down. Crime didn't come down because the criminals stopped being came down because the criminals were overwhelmed by the presence of force. Just because 'stability' is achieved by scaring the bad guys, that doesn't mean that the result isn't 'stability'. Violence was way down, elections were held. I agree with you, violence was down only because of the American presence. But violence was still down. Things were BETTER because we were there.

"that stability was manufactured"

Agreed. But violence was down as a result of the manufactured sense of security. If violence is down, and as a result, girls can go to school instead of being beaten with rocks, isn't that a good thing? Isn't it better than the alternative, which we have now?

"The reality remains it the Iraqis country"

Never heard anyone say otherwise.

"Obama inherited a timeline to exit Iraq from George W. Bush and followed it"

True. What is also true, and you carefully left out, is that Obama had the option of seeking a status of forces agreement to let us stay. Many people advised Obama to do that, because they feared that bad guys would resume being bad, as soon as we left. I don't think anyone denies that's exactly what happened.
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