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Old 04-03-2016, 11:27 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
The stuff I see on craigs list are mostly either commercial models I don't need or priced close enough to buying one new at the Depot, it makes no sense to go by used. I got a load of mostly smaller stuff, coming off a job Newcomb did at the Plymouth airport and I buzzed through probably 2-1/2 cords yesterday and today with my 16" Echo, so while the vertical option is really nice for the big stuff; most of this load I can lift. There are probably 4-5 logs that I'm going to have to get someone over with a bigger saw, to get through the lower half, but I'd have them cut short to keep the lifting possible.......unless your neighbor wants to loan that out in trade for some plastic.
Having heated my home with wood for the better part of 35 yrs. I get a chuckle out the people who say they need a larger saw to go through the log lengths they have. A saw with a 16" bar will cut a tree with a 32" diameter no problem. So unless you got some real old growth trees you should be able to cut those logs. Splitting is another problem altogether.
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