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Old 04-04-2016, 12:06 PM   #182
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Not sure Who are the who your referring to ?? to provide the example your looking for ... are you saying both sides of the argument what creates extremism and what makes a person a terrorist? dont cherry pick their position I see 3 camps

1st .. Just blame our own societies and socioeconomic conditions

2nd Just blame the religion and cultural concepts

3rd this one isn't talked about much but is closer to the reason we have terrorism

it's societies and socioeconomic conditions and religious and cultural concepts that drive extremism one wont stand with out the other
Anyone who blames our society for terrorism, has been painting inside with the windows shut. Jihadists frequently attack other Muslims in their own countries, God forbid they believe in a slightly different branch of Islam. They hate everyone who isn't exactly like them.

"Just blame the religion and cultural concepts"

You're getting warmer.

"it's societies and socioeconomic conditions and religious and cultural concepts that drive extremism "

The Fort Hood shooter was a doctor, correct? Some kind of pshrink? He was an Army Major, I believe, he did well here. And he was radicalized. Bin Laden was educated. The couple in California who shot up his office? His co-workers had just thrown them a baby shower. They were embraced by our culture.

There's only one thing that connects every single one of them of them, and it's not socioeconomics. It's Islam, a religion based on the life of a bloodthirsty conqueror who would have made Atilla The Hun proud. We don't have the ability to make them all middle class with the wave of our hand.

I agree with most of what you're saying (I think you are too quick to dismiss the fault that lies with Islam, that's just my $0.02). Tough problem. The solution is very, very ugly and brutal.
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