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Old 04-06-2016, 09:14 AM   #192
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Ya Islam is a peaceful religion, just a few wingnuts on the outskirts right? I don't think so, it's more than that


go ahead and poo poo it as conspiracy all you want

"In Summary

It becomes clear as we look into the origins of Islam, particularly its split between the Sunni and Shia sects, that much of the tactics of todays terrorist derive from an aberrant form of Islamic religion. Radicalized Islam’s ideology was inherited through heretical elements, be they Kharijite or Hashshashin. The modern day fedayeen tactics deployed during the initial Muslim assault on Israel, in the Iranian Islamic Revolution, during the intafada’s in Israel, and then used during the opening days of the March 2003 invasion of Iraq, are merely those tactics of the ancient fundamentalist heretics of Islam.

The leaders of radical Islam still promote a belief in a special divine mission, entice young men with visions of 72 virgins in some erotic paradice. They engage in kidnap, ransom, arson, theft, the slave trade, drug traffiking, political assassination, and mass murder all in the name of Allah and Islam. Exalted leaders of radical Islam still worship the Imam’s and seek to fulfill their every word. Men such as Osama bin Laden inspire Muslim youth to do horrendous acts. Just as the devotee at Alamut flung himself off the mountain at the word of Sabbah, so too do todays radical Imams and clerics use those same occult powers that Sabbah employed to terrorize the world in order to advance their agenda.

These terrorist tell us that in the end they will win because they love death and we love life. How tragic. The God of Israel says that those who hate Him, love death. I would say, most average human beings love life over death, and in the end will choose HaShem over Allah."

The United States Constitution does not exist to grant you rights; those rights are inherent within you. Rather it exists to frame a limited government so that those natural rights can be exercised freely.

1984 was a warning, not a guidebook!

It's time more people spoke up with the truth. Every time we let a leftist lie go uncorrected, the commies get stronger.
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