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Old 04-11-2016, 03:09 PM   #1
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Not based on that information alone.

Aha . . . the Clintonesque parsing of words . . .

It's no secret that as NY Senator Clinton developed a good relationship with Corning which actually was part of her job.

Oh, really? It's a Senator's job to develop relationships with individual businesses in their State? Did she touch base with all the mom and pop stores in NY? Or all the other businesses? Did she develop better "relationships" with businesses which didn't contribute money to her?

If it's crony capitalism or not would really depend on the dynamics of the relationship.

It's crony CAPITALISM. It's about capital, about money. Giving money for influence and favors and advantage over competitors. Getting money to pay for acquisition of power. Returning favors, influence, and privilege in order to maintain power. You know . . . the everyday politics which drives our oligarchic system of "relationships" between BIG business and BIG government. That's the type of "dynamic" that voters, with at least a marginal awareness of how we are ruled, are angry about. And Hillary is good at preaching what she will do for the little guy while she gets her back scratched by the big guys.

If Clinton's back is scratched for helping Corning with funding or a trade issue that's beneficial for the US economy Corning which was a big contributor to HIllary's political campaigns and her foundation or its workers, that's not the same thing as routing tax dollars for weapons the DoD doesn't want or a bridge to nowhere... No, not the"same" kind of cronyism, just one of the different kinds.

It's also wrong to assume that just because money is changing there's an under the table deal in play.

And it's wrong to assume that there isn't.

Often the business interest who's working the hardest by paying the most to educate the legislator will shape their opinion and certainly gain influence.

Yup, gaining influence. That's one of the purposes of crony capitalism.

I'd note that as Sec State she helped other big US businesses beyond Corning.
I'd note that our political oligarchs need to "help" more than one "big" business. The more they "help," the more they can entrench their power.
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