Thread: NC bathroom law
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Old 05-10-2016, 01:46 PM   #8
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Jim, is your wife a bird?
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Nope. Now can you answer a question?

Spence, is someone born with a donger and male DNA, who wears a wig and a dress, a woman? Yes or no. The answer is hell, no.

Spence, how do you like Obama telling the NC Governor, that he can only get an extension if he agrees to walk around with a dunce cap? Because if it's OK for Obama to do that, than it's OK for Trump (pretend he gets elected) to do it, too. I suspect you'd have HUGE issues (or should I say yuuge issues) with Trump employing this tactic against liberals who act stupidly.

The civil rights act says the feds can prevent discrimination on the basis of sex. No sane person can argue that the NC law (which says all men use one bathroom, all women use the other) discriminates against anyone based on their sex.

If I 'choose to identify' as someone who gets all his income from capital gains, doe sthat mean Obama's IRS will let me pay the (lower) capital gains tax rate on my income?

You don't choose your sex. You can disguise it, and you should have the right to do so, if it makes you feel good. But you cannot change the sex you were born with, and that is irrefutable fact. It's in your DNA, and no amount of makeup or surgical mutilation can ever make that wrong.

And the comparisons to Jim Crow laws are beyond ridiculous. If I have a wee-wee, telling me that I must use a mens room (in public only), is morally equivalent to turning firehouses and German Shephards on huge numbers of people? Yeah that makes a ton of sense.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 05-10-2016 at 01:55 PM..
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