Thread: NC bathroom law
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Old 05-10-2016, 07:36 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
More manufactured Outrage

Are you referring to the manufactured "outrage" of transgenders because they are not allowed in bathrooms designated for people who have different genitalia then they do?

who cares who is in the stall next to you.. so Men are you Afraid of a Female transgender person who looks like a guy using the stall or do we think their going to whip their a shewee at the urinal?? or is just about men dressed as women in a women's rest room... some college's have uni sex bathrooms

According to a study by the University of Massachusetts, there are over 150 college campuses across the US that are creating gender-neutral restrooms.

Most of the unisex bathrooms currently have only one stall with a door that locks from the inside. But if all bathrooms must become unisex, regardless of how many stalls, and anyone is free to enter, how does that mollify the rage of transgenders who want to use bathrooms strictly designated for those who have the genitalia they wish they had but don't?

Not so long ago we also had white and Black bathrooms you can change with the times or be stuck in the past the choice is an individual one .. and neither one bothers me one bit
Ah, but there's the rub. When government mandates how it must be, it is no longer a matter of individual choice. Does that bother you a little bit?
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