Thread: NC bathroom law
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Old 05-13-2016, 05:25 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
So you're OK with someone else losing their rights just as long as you don't lose yours. I didn't picture you as being that selfish.

And your not afraid of "liberal" government taking away what you consider your rights, but have some trepidation that a "conservative" one might. You have asked why "conservatives" are afraid of "liberals" and their policies or ideas. Maybe, if they really are "afraid," you have answered your questions. Maybe they are afraid for the same reasons you are.

But why do you so often cast conservatives as being afraid. That is so discriminatory. Allowing yourself to be afraid of them, but calling them cowards when they oppose your points of view.
What rights have you lost and I have gained or not lost ?? seems to be more emotional than factual ??

So in your world view allowing transgender to use the bathroom of the sex the identify with.. as taking your rights away in my world view its giving a right to people different than my self .. like same sex marriage its called addition not subtraction

I see conservatives much more willing to limit the rights of others and their own followers in order to maintain what they call Traditional Vaules but they use the word Ban all the time they ban this they will Ban that !! even in the 2a argument the right loves the word Ban for the past 50 years... I dont support banning guns but that wont stop Conservatives from thinking I do... why because I am not upset if a transgender uses the same rest room I do or gay people get married or people shouldn't be shot or beat by police no matter how much they may or may not deserve it .. reguardless of there Race

calling them cowards when they oppose your points of view,,???? Dont recall calling any one person a coward however being afraid is very different from being a coward and I haven't met many conservatives who wont defend their views Vigorously sadly I have met many liberals who don't defend their views Vigorously

1. Coward
a person who lacks the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things.

Afraid feeling reluctance, unwillingness, distaste, or the like:

Last edited by wdmso; 05-13-2016 at 05:57 AM..
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