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Old 05-25-2016, 09:12 AM   #5
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
I don't disagree with what he was trying to say.
OK. So to you, there is do difference between...

(1) a family at Disney, waiting in line for an hour, by their choice, to get on "It's A Small World", and

(2) a wounded veteran, injured while serving his country, that has to wait 30 days to see a doctor?

By your admission, those 2 things are indistinguishable to you. Well here is a difference. Some might say it's not a small difference. No one ever died from #1. We know that people, selfless patriots, have died because of #2. By your admission, vets dying because of a lack of available care, is no more concerning to you (nor to the Secretary of Vets Affairs) than having to wait in line at an amusement park. Same thing. One is no more of a natoinal concern (or shame) than the other.

Remarks matter. When Bush told teh Fema head that he was "doing a heck of a job" while people were dying in New Orleans 3 days after the wind stopped blowing, it was a Godawful, stupid, insensitive thing to say. I am abke to say that about a Republican. You can't do the same. Amazing.

Welcome to The Twiligt Zone.
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