Thread: How come...
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Old 06-08-2016, 11:24 AM   #15
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
And what pray tell do you anticipate Trump doing to change anything?
I cannot fathom, given the field that the GOP started with, that we ended up with this guy. I just can't. Every time I hear Obama talk, what he says, makes me sick. Every time I hear Trump talk, even when I agree with the point he is trying to make, I cannot believe what a simpleminded, thin-skinned, egomaniacal, horse's ass he is.

That being said...if Hilary governs the way she says she will govern, there will be little to differentiate her from Weird Harold.

With Trump, I guess there is a chance that he would have better policy vision (in the opinion of anyone to the right of Mao Tse Tung) than Hilary.

(1) If I was an unborn baby, I'd certainly rather see Trump in there.
(2) If I'm a jihadist, I am pretty sure that I'd rather see Hilary in there.
(3) If I own a business or I'm looking for a white-collar job, I'd rather see Trump in there.

Those are the things that matter to me personally. So while it's a distasteful choice, it's an easy choice. I will plug my nose and vote for Trump.

There is a real chance he loses 49 states, and hands the Senate to Hilary as a going away gift.

Unless she gets indicted, in which case who the hell knows what will happen. That is still unlikely, but probably not as unlikely as I thought 6 months ago. 10 percent chance.
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