Thread: How come...
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Old 06-11-2016, 04:41 PM   #86
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Aside from the lawsuits and books detailing his racist remarks and actions.
Calling Mexicans (obviously not all Mexicans but referring to some of the illegal immigrants) rapists is not a reference to race. Again, Mexican is not a race. Mexico is comprised of a fairly universal spectrum of races. Donald shoots off at the mouth extemporaneously rather than from a well crafted prepared script which would be more careful and precise about to whom he is referring. Most people, if they're honest, would understand who he was talking about.

Proposing a temporary ban on Muslims is not a reference to race. Muslim is not a race.

Calling a black man "my African American," unless you're hyper sensitivity makes it so, is not a derogatory remark about blacks.

Not renting to blacks could be racist--unless you're just following daddy's orders. It also might be more economically based than on race per se.

Having the opinion, right or wrong, that a well-educated black has a tremendous advantage over a well-educated white in terms of the job market is not a denigration of blacks. And it's certainly no more "racist" than saying a well-educated white has a tremendous advantage over a well-educated black.

The quote in the O'Donnell book could be racist, or it could be that "the only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys wearing yarmulkes", which would exclude most other ethnicities and races including most white men from being those he wanted counting his money. It's kind of a funny statement if you're not too sensitive. Chris Rock could get away with saying it and get a laugh. And even though the "Besides that" portion of the quote is racist, he now denies saying it.

And Trump has several "important" people who say he is not a racist.

Dredging up old stuff that is not actually racist but casting it as so, smacks of desperation. And it offends millions who are tired of calling everything racism. Those who are adamantly opposed to trump, and want to believe anything negative about him, will eat up the examples in the article with private, self-satisfying glee. Those who are weary of "racism" around every corner will just be even more likely to vote for Trump.

And those who want to protect what's left of the Constitution, if they are really serious about that, and its their most important issue, will be forced to vote for Trump. Even the ones who really don't like Trump. I would, at this time, fall into that category.

Last edited by detbuch; 06-11-2016 at 10:50 PM..
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