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Old 07-02-2016, 01:01 PM   #95
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
State (Hilary) was wrong about the video. State was wrong about the danger to the Benghazi Mission. State was wrong about Al Qaeda being defeated, insignificant. State was wrong about who to trust. As the investigation newly pointed out, it was Qadaffi loyalists (those that the administration and HRC removed from power) who helped to rescue the others at the Mission, not the Libyan administration forces that we helped to replace Qadaffi and on whom we depended. State was wrong about not adequately protecting the Mission. State, the administration, Hilary, were wrong about not wanting to appear that we were bullying or controlling the Libyan government, so not sufficiently arming the Mission. And, therefor, about not making it look like we were invading Libya by sending military to rescue our people in the mission, debating for three hours, as the attack was occurring, and as the investigation newly points out, whether or not to deploy our forces in military uniform or civilian clothes. We were wrong not to even deploy a rescue mission.

Hilary was Secretary of State. She and State were supposedly cleared of any wrong doing. Progressives have conveniently changed the meanings of several words to suit their agenda. I guess we can throw the word "wrong" into the mix.

This is one of the many similar "achievements" in Hilary's resume that make her a strong candidate for POTUS.
I love it, so 7 million dollars later and we've uncovered that there were frequent changes of clothing and people who should have hated us actually liked us.

Other than that nothing changes. What a bombshell
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