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Old 07-06-2016, 07:36 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
As I suspected Some are unable to accept she didn't commit a crime and is not going to jail and this saddens them .. for me the issues has never been what she and her people did wasn't stupid or irresponsible and I dont disagree with those who feel that way .. My argument has always against the Jail time crowd like birthers no mater the evidence it's in their heads

Most of the anti-Hillary posters also believed that she would not be indicted, so that was accepted beforehand. Comay didn't say she didn't commit a crime. He said, essentially, that the evidence wasn't strong enough to successfully prosecute. The reason for that could be political as well as evidential since the Justice Dept. would have to prosecute. What he did say about what she did is very damning. For those of us who don't believe her, and Comay pointed out her obvious lies in the matter, the evidence he presented did show she violated the statute. But recommending indictment then having her acquitted by the Justice Dept. would not make the FBI look good.

I only hope that those who hate Hillary would put the same effort looking into the Donald and his Trustworthiness experience his knowledge of world politics his Maybe Crimes and temperament to be POTUS.. and have the same frank conversation ..just an idea
The anti-Hilary posters all have, looked negatively into the Donald's reputation, but a choice has to be made. Hillary already has a political resume which is one of failed policies and a rigid temperament to stick to and defend those policies, which should be enough to say no to her.
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