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Old 07-08-2016, 09:28 AM   #22
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Ian View Post
I don't normally speak up in this thread, but I guess I walked myself into this when I jumped on the boards this morning knowing there would be a thread about this. I just wanted to share my observations which are really well summarized by the quote above:

We (everyone) need to stop bundling people together into stereotypes in situations like this. A lot of these recent events have been caused by it; the black community thinking a disproportionate # of cops are out to kill them, cops apparently feeling threatened by a disproportionate # of people of color, the media thinking that a disproportionate # of shootings have some sort of societal prejudice behind them, people thinking that ALL democrats or ALL republicans think the same, and then we finally get last night, where stupid criminals feel like they need to mow down all white police officers... I don't think you get to where we went last night without the above pot stirring that has been going on for years.

Take the damn hate out of it for a minute, get some responsible journalism and community outreach, and stop freaking stirring the pot at every chance you have. Hate breeds hate, and it rarely manifests itself in the same way it was delivered.
OK, so I won't say that we need to address the fact that 75% of black kids are born out of wedlock, because that might hurt someone's feelings...
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