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Old 07-08-2016, 10:42 AM   #30
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Actually that post doesn't exhibit what I believe is your liberal hate. Of course cop racism is not the reason for the all of the discrepancies - I just believe it is a snmall part of the discrepancy. However, there should be no descrepancy. Some cops are racist (just as some of any job are racist) and that racism needs to be stopped. They prob. approach a black suspect in a manor that leads to these type of incidents.
"Actually that post doesn't exhibit what I believe is your liberal hate"

Thanks! I don't hate liberals as a rule (some exceptions), but I really am starting to hate liberalism.

"Of course cop racism is not the reason for the all of the discrepancies - I just believe it is a snmall part of the discrepancy"

We agree 100%.

I have a crucial question for you, I hope you will take a swing at answering it directly?

If cop racism is, as you say, a small contributor to the problem, why do liberals (Obama, Sharpton, Jesse Jackson) spend so much time and energy talking about it? I follow these things more closely than most. It is FAR more common for liberals to talk about the white cop boogeyman, than it is for liberals to address the larger contributors to the problem (which obviously is the gangster and fatherless culture that blacks are embracing).

Yesterday, Obama told blacks that white cops are out to get them. He didn't mention a syllable about the need to raise their kids responsibly and lovingly, he didn't say anything about working hard in school to break the cycle of poverty.

Why is that?

Answer - it doesn't serve his agenda, and that is more important to Obama, than actually helping these people.

Al Sharpton has visited Obama dozens of times. That tells you everything you need to know about where Obama stands on this issue. Any responsible person knows that Sharpton is a lethally dangerous fool.
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