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Old 07-08-2016, 11:56 AM   #175
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Unless you can prove she knew she was making a false statements I don't think a perjury charge is going to stick. She likely did think she had turned over all relevant emails and because a whopping 3 (out of 30,000) emails had a (C) marking in the email text how can you know she even read them?
"Unless you can prove she knew she was making a false statements I don't think a perjury charge is going to stick."

Mark Furhman got charged with perjury, with no one able to try to show that he knew he was lying. How do you prove intent to lie, unless the person confesses?

"She likely did think she had turned over all relevant emails"

She said she turned over all work-related emails. Comey said there were "thousands" of work emails that she didn't turn over. Thousands.

"a whopping 3 (out of 30,000) emails had a (C) marking in the email text how can you know she even read them?"

So it's OK to you, if she concluded that the information was not classified and thus safe to send to her personal server, without having read the emails? Great. Maybe she can give the briefcase with the nuclear codes to Putin, after all, if she doesn't open the briefcase, it's not HER fault.

Do you listen to yourself?
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