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Old 07-09-2016, 06:40 PM   #192
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Powell sure sounds a lot like Clinton...

"I have reviewed the messages and I do not see what makes them classified." Powell said. "The emails were from my Executive Assistant and forwarded messages sent by two of our Ambassadors to State Department staff members. My Executive Assistant thought I should see them in a timely manner so sent them to my personal account. Both messages were unclassified. There was no reason not to forward them in this manner. ... The Ambassadors did not believe the contents were Confidential at the time and they were sent as unclassified. That is a fact. While they have not yet clarified this point, the State Department cannot now say they were classified then because they weren't. If the Department wishes to say a dozen years later they should have been classified that is an opinion of the Department that I do not share."

Your author is pretty sloppy with the facts. Clinton didn't mishandle "hundreds upon hundreds of classified emails" as they suggest, nor did anyone expose a CIA source.
However it "sounds" to you, the Clinton and Powell cases are way different. And you're a "sloppy" and selective reader. Still, as always, you spin.

You can choose to read the portion of the article in anyway you choose to spin it. Others will read it differently.
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