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Old 07-25-2016, 03:52 PM   #32
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
undermining the democratic process can you show me where this happened! not that you jut think it happen I have already posted the voting numbers Sanders lost

As for operation taco bowl and using his religion those people need to be fired But please stop the fake outrage did you forget he was a dirty socialist but now you feel bad for him because the DNC not supporting him during the primaries How about the no support for Trump from the RNC Id love to see those emails
"undermining the democratic process can you show me where this happened!"

The DNC was actively working to sabotage his campaign. In the case I quoted, they wanted to portray him as an atheist in religious states, so they would be turned off him. Some emails indicate that the DNC was working with NBC to feed them favorable coverage of Hilary. Listen to Bernie, he'll tell you how he got screwed.

The entire existence of superdelegates has one purpose - to undermine democracy, should the masses be inclined to nominate someone that the DNC doesn't like. You tell me, what possible purpose do the superdelegates serve?

"I have already posted the voting numbers Sanders lost "

Who knows what the impact of the sabotage was? How do you quantify that? I'm not saying it cost Bernie the election. I am saying there is no way to tell what the result would have been, if the party had been, you know, fair.
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