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Old 07-26-2016, 09:19 AM   #4
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
Never understood how the Clinton's could have been dead broke when they left the white house unless they got into stupid outlandish debt. The Presidents salary and benefits when he/she leaves offices is anything but dead broke.

And the prestige and influence he/she has and will have are enormous and bequeath enormous potential to garner wealth (as is seen by the Clinton's financial "growth" after leaving office). And if they were in some self-destructive debt, what bank would not love to be able to finance that debt.

There was no financial reason for stealing stuff from the White House.
I was being completely sarcastic. Of course they weren't anywhere near broke when they left. Of course there was no financial justification for their sacking the White House like a couple of Cossacks.

If they were broke, where did they get the $$ to write a huge check to the National Park Service for everything they stole?
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