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Old 08-01-2016, 09:30 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
isn't it .. I mean look at the effort put into theses threads when 2 people post an opposite view.. you would think the world was on fire ..

Say what you want believe what you want but dont post feelings as facts .. or stories sent to your inbox or FB

you can hate Hillary but you cant Cherry pick her public record and not acknowledge her commitment to public service but some how = bad POTUS

love or hate the the Donald But you cant Cherry pick his success as a businessman and ignore his statements some how = good POTUS

I am an independent and have voted for R's and D's and was part of Reagans Inaugural Parade Canceled by Cold in 1984 as a young marine at 8th&I and voted for the person with the best plan for America not party ..never vote just party and this election is no different
you can read the CBO projections through 2026...easily available for viewing...if that does not concern you I really don't know what to say...the world is on fire if you have not been paying attention.... the Clinton have been scoundrels from day 1....the cult like devotion that they seem to enjoy is distressing and the thought of them in the White House again is stomach much so that Trump as default is...well...perhaps slightly better...I'm far more concerned with what they will do(or have done) rather than what they might say....I do enjoy your perspective...
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